book of games and services (2020)
by Maru Mushtrieva
The texts in the “book of games and services” were never meant to be published in a written form. These texts were meant to be performed, listened to, and scrolled through so that somewhere in-between misunderstandings are happening. It is a collection of practices of care and play, of listening, mapping, and projecting. We construct narratives to make sense of it, and they guide us along the way. Most important is that these narratives don’t start riding us instead.
"A text can be read and it can also be played with. This book is an invitation to see a text as a game, where you can weave together a narrative from the different bits and pieces, fragments, objects, and ideas, taking a hint from the author but always following your own way."
Greg Nissan:
"Conversation is a game, and not just in its levity. Rather, someone has set the rules. Someone beyond any one of us. To speak as an individual is to play with and against that collectivity which is always expression's ground. But what happens when the game subdues process in favor of a pre-determined end? (...) Let's simplify: If the route is already laid down, where can we really go? I think that's the question and the mechanism of mm's collection book of games and services. To clear a space for encounter within a system of rules. These performance scripts, sound works, and installation texts exaggerate the principles of games and rituals in contemporary society. And often the entry point is a kind of loaded conversation. Between technology and tradition. Lovers and friends. Earth and heaven."
Texts: Maru Mushtrieva
Photos: Maru Mushtrieva unless specified differently
Foreword: Greg Nissan
Graphic design: Liudmila Savelyeva
Photo editing: Nailya Bikmurzina
Published by Circadian, Berlin, 2020
Interview and video by Graw Böckler (16.12.2020)